IEEM 302000 Operations Research (II) (作業研究二)

Semester: Spring 2019

Number of credit hours: 3

Professor Kuo-Hao Chang ( 713R. Phone (03) 5742337

Lecture Time:
W 10:10 pm-12 pm, F 10:10-12 pm (Note: We will have one more hour on every Friday’s class.
This class will end 3 weeks earlier than the semester schedule)

Office Hours: Th 11-12 pm or by appointment

Prerequisites: IEEM203000 (Probability Theory) or equivalent courses.

Textbook: Introduction to Operations Research, Hiller and Lieberman, 2010

Student Learning Objectives:
To develop an ability to model stochastic processes;
To develop an understanding of important qualitative characteristics of stochastic processes;
To develop an ability to analyze basic stochastic processes.

Course Topics
• Markov Chains (Chap. 29)
• Queueing Theory (Chap. 17)
• Inventory Theory (Chap. 18)
• Markov Decision Process (Chap. 19)
• Simulation (Chap. 20)
• Other interesting topics

Grading Elements, Weighting and Scale:

Grade Element Weighting
Midterm 1 20%
Midterm 2 20%
Final 20%
Class exercises 25%
Quizzes 15%

General Policies:
This class will be based on a flipped classroom approach. The lecture video will be provided beforehand and you will be expected to watch the video before coming to the classroom. We will discuss your questions regarding the lectures and do extensive exercises to enhance your understanding of the materials. Some class projects will also be given from time to time as a class activity.

There will be two midterm exams and one final exam. All examinations are close book and notes. The final exam will be accumulative. The exact date will be announced 3 weeks before the exam.

There will be a quiz on Friday every week to make sure everyone has watched the lecture video and understood the content. All the quiz problems are strongly related or the same with the homework problems or problems taught in the lecture video. You should fully understand every homework problem and the lecture notes in order to succeed in the quizzes.

Don’t be late!